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How to Choose Best Premium WordPress Theme for Your Site – FCR Group | Digital Marketing Company in Delhi Gurgaon and Noida

How to Choose Best Premium WordPress Theme for Your Site

16 May

Step by step instructions to Choose The Best Premium WordPress Theme for Your Site

When you are beginning a blog, picking the correct topic is urgent for your prosperity. Amid the procedure, you will probably need to settle on free WordPress themes versus premium WordPress theme. Regularly clients ask us which one is better and what’s our choice procedure while picking a premium WordPress theme. In this article, we will cover how to pick the best premium WordPress theme for your site. Before the end, you will know precisely what to search for and what you completely need to AVOID!

Free WordPress Theme VS Premium WordPress Theme

One of the principal motivation behind why a lot of clients pick a premium WordPress theme over a free one is on the grounds that you get ensured bolster.

Free WordPress themes are regularly worked as an enthusiasm venture, so you are not ensured to get support or updates.

Then again, when you pay for a premium WordPress theme, you get great documentation, access to help, and customary updates.

Some theme shops even go past and offer video instructional exercises, demo content, and even a free blog setup benefit.

Besides that, top-notch theme makes your site more extraordinary on the grounds that free themes are being utilized by everybody.

Having said that, this is what you have to search for while choosing a premium WordPress theme



Aesthetically Pleasing Modern Design

You will presumably be utilizing this theme on your site for at some point. Your clients will wind up familiar with it. That is the reason you have to pick a theme which is tastefully satisfying and can be utilized for quite a while without requiring any real changes.

There are sure components of the plan that are utilized by every great originator to make excellent sites.


  • Great Color Combination
  • Magnificent Typography
  • Clean Layout
  • Wonderful Images

Together these components make a wonderful congruity and consistency that interests to your clients. It looks awesome, as well as causes you accomplish your business objectives.

Most premium themes accompany boundless shading decisions and implicit devices to choose textual styles. You have to ensure that your premium WordPress theme utilizes better typography out of the case.

Don’t simply take a gander at the landing page. Go further in the theme demo and investigate different areas. For instance, in the event that you are building a portfolio site at that point check theme demo for the portfolio. In the event that you will include tributes, at that point check out what tributes look like in the theme demo.

Ensure that there are a lot of page formats and designs to utilize. Look at the landing page, single pages, posts, and blog segments to ensure that they all keep up a similar plan consistency and bid.


Highlights VS Presentation

The fundamental distinction between WordPress themes and modules is that subjects handle the introduction part of your site and modules handle the usefulness.

Nonetheless, the premium WordPress theme market is exceedingly aggressive and in some cases, theme engineers can’t avoid the impulse to include more module like usefulness into their themes.


Why is this viewed as awful practice?


At the point when a WordPress theme traverses into the module domain, it winds up hard to switch theme. For instance, if a WordPress theme is utilizing a custom post compose, at that point changing to another theme would make those custom post writes vanish from the administrator menu.

Shortcodes characterized by theme would likewise quit working which additionally makes exchanging a troublesome and tedious process

Then again, there are WordPress themes which carry on precisely like a module. Offering usefulness expected to make particular specialty sites. For instance land themes or lodging themes. A portion of these themes is extremely helpful, however, in the event that you will utilize those theme, at that point, you have to comprehend that it will be hard to switch themes later on the grounds that different theme might not have the comparable usefulness.


Security and Performance

Numerous WordPress amateurs don’t give careful consideration to speed and great coding rehearses while picking a top notch theme.

In the race to win new clients, themes designers can incorporate dangerous and brisk arrangements that can trade off your site’s security. The crazy measure of highlights can cost you speed and execution issues.

Presently the issue is that most tenderfoot level clients don’t have what it takes to consider code. So how would you realize that the code behind a top-notch theme is of good quality?

To start with, you have to purchase your exceptional themes from trusted and all around presumed WordPress theme shops. A portion of the theme shops that we trust and prescribe are:


Also, glance around for surveys and client tributes. See who else is utilizing themes created by that specific theme shop or engineer. Are there any enormous sites or online journals utilizing their themes? Check out the tributes page on the themes shop or scan for their audits on Google.

Similarity Check

Before you begin perusing for a superior theme, take a couple of minutes to record every one of the highlights you are searching for. For instance:

  • Do you require eCommerce bolster?
  • Interpretation availability for non-English sites
  • BuddyPress or bbPress bolster
  • Whatever other modules that you may utilize


Numerous exceptional themes accompany worked in formats and support for well-known eCommerce stages like WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

On the off chance that a theme

you are searching for isn’t accessible in your dialect, at that point request that the theme engineer checks whether an interpretation is in advance.

A few clients might need to utilize certain modules to make specialty sites like employment sheets, question-answer sites, and so on. Don’t hesitate to inquire as to whether their theme would work with a particular module.

You have to ensure that you are putting your cash in the opportune place.

After Selecting the Perfect Premium WordPress Theme

A decent premium WordPress theme would help you effectively assemble excellent sites. Notwithstanding, there are as yet numerous things you can do to enhance your site.

We suggest investigating these 24 must have WordPress modules for all sites.

In the event that you need to additionally alter your site, at that point you should take a gander at CSS Hero which makes it simple to modify sites.

We trust this guide helped you pick the best premium WordPress theme for your site. You may likewise need to see our examination of the best WordPress contact shape modules.

You can likewise discover us on Twitter and Facebook.

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