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How to Redesign WordPress Website ? – FCR Group | Digital Marketing Company in Delhi Gurgaon and Noida

How to Redesign WordPress Website ?

04 Jun

In today’s times of digitalization, WordPress website has become a kind of fashionable term for the digital world. With the rapid increase in digitalization, each business in order to become successful needs to have an active online presence. Active online presence of every business has become a must in today’s digital times. A business can’t be ranked as popular and successful until and unless it has an active online presence.

Maintaining an active online presence of your business is not at all an easy task for a businessman. It requires a lot of efforts, patience, dedication and hard work to maintain your business’ active online presence. This can’t be done easily by any ordinary person, rather it requires professional expertise. Now, you may be wondering that how to maintain an active online presence of your business. And, how to do it with the help of professional expertise. But you need not worry at all because we are here to clear all your doubts. Here, in this article, we are going to clarify all your doubts in detail.

Reader, the answer to your question that how to maintain an active online presence of your business with the help of professional expertise is quite simple one. We must tell you that one can get that professional expertise easily with the help of WordPress. You might be quite amazed at hearing the name of WordPress. But you have heard it right, a business can easily maintain its active online presence with the help of WordPress. WordPress does that task in a highly easy, efficient and effective manner. These days, maintaining your business’ active online presence through WordPress is quite popular and high-in-demand. Almost every well-known company’s website is designed or say, redesigned with the help of WordPress.

WordPress is known to be the world’s most famous platform useful in creating highly-standardized and well-optimized websites. It is highly beneficial in raising the SEO-rankings of a website. Moreover, it is capable enough of redesigning any website’s old, monotonous theme to a modern and professional one.

Some people still think that WordPress is a blogging platform. But we must tell you that these days, the value and functions of WordPress has developed to a great extent. WordPress is regarded as a highly popular Content Management System (CMS). It’s a purely flexible platform. It enables one to construct and manage your own website with the use of your web browser.

Furthermore, another great advantage of WordPress is that it is completely free of cost. WordPress comes with a multitude of inbuilt themes, plugins and widgets which help one to design your website in any possible manner. But if you are worrying that you already have a website of your company and it won’t be possible to construct a new one. Then, we must tell you that one can easily redesign your existing website with the help of WordPress. Sounds interesting, no?

Redesign wordpress website

How to redesign WordPress site?

You may be assuming the redesigning of a WordPress site to be a chaotic affair. But let us clear all your doubts. Redesigning a WordPress site is not at all a tough task, rather it is a quite simple one. These days, anybody can redesign his WordPress site. Yes, you have heard it right. Even you can redesign your WordPress site with perfect ease. If you are asking how, then take a sigh of relief. This is because, here in this article, we are going to tell you that how to redesign a WordPress site.

Following are the steps to redesign a WordPress website :

Backup: Backing up your old website is the most crucial step in redesigning a WordPress website. One must backup your data and your database of WordPress in order to keep it safely stored. One should copy your website’s all files to your local computer through FTP.

Cleaning: After backing up your files and data, one must clean up your website by removing the old themes and plugins. Moreover, one should also clean your website by mending the old, worthless links and by removing spam words and comments from your page. Also, delete the unused and wasteful data from the website as it helps in boosting the speed of the website.

Back up, again: After clearing out all the junk and nonsense from your website, one is required to again do its back up. This step is important to retain the updated website’s changes.

Testing New Theme: Switching to a new theme is a highly crucial step. So before doing it, for the purpose of testing the new theme, one should install a WordPress website. And then only, a user should make all the major changes including the theme, plugins, widgets etc. on it.

Checking Test Website: After making changes on the test website, one should check that the plugins used on it are well installed and activated before the activation of the updated theme. And then, one should check that whether everything is running as per your choice or not. According to that, one should decide that how much alteration is still required.

Activation of the New Theme: After making all desired alterations on the testing website, one should finally activate the new theme on your live website. One should make sure to import or modify the settings one made on the testing website. And then, one should make sure that whether everything is running perfectly on the live website or not. Then, one should make final changes accordingly (if required, then only). And after this step, it can be said that your WordPress website is successfully redesigned.

** Note**: After redesigning a WordPress website, it is highly important to notify your audience about the redesigning and update of your website. One should also add the screenshot of your redesigned WordPress website on the social networking platforms. This is because it would enable the website to gain higher popularity.

As per now, we think all your doubts regarding your queries related to the importance of WordPress-redesigned website and how a WordPress website can be redesigned must have been cleared. In case, you still have any doubts then you can drop your comment. We’d surely be assisting you.

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