All Posts by admin

05 Aug

6 Amazing Blog Promotion Tricks – Part 1

Content Marketing is an effective and one of the most aggressive strategies for increasing online user participation on the digital domain. Though there are various strategies to improve the quality of your content, here are some workable hacks to promote your blog: 1. Find influencers Think about the promotional aspect

05 Aug

6 Amazing Blog Promotion Tricks – Part 2

In the last part I listed some hacks to promote your blog, viz. Influencers, Social Media and Paid Promotion. Let’s look at some more of the effective ways to boost your blog’s online presence. 4. Email marketing Right from the beginning of Internet generation in 90’s, it has been the

31 Jul

Web is developing, why not your website?

Internet is not a finite network anymore, it reach keeps growing at an exponential rate. With the immeasurable growth of web space, there is a very urgent need for quality web developers. Website Development is used inter changeably for web designing, but they are not the same. Web development is

31 Jul

European Union – Why and Why not?

A referendum is a nationwide voting on a specific decision usually reserved for issues which are considered very, VERY critical for a country. Previously UK witnessed another referendum when Scotland had to decide whether to stay in UK or act as an independent country. People voted in large numbers and

31 Jul

Web designing and how it’s done.

Internet’s use grew rapidly in the mid-90’s and spread to the developing world in the late 90s. Within years, the application of internet and related activities grew exponentially. People started using internet for communication, business expansion, finding services, entertainment and uncountable number of reasons. In no time internet became the